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Many times our minds are subjected to other people’s thoughts, beliefs, energies, and experiences. Unfortunately, some of the information that is collected by our subconscious is not always in alignment with how we want to show up in the world. Using a journal gives you the opportunity to choose the thoughts and energy that you allow into your conscious and subconscious. 


There are many ways that you can use journals as a tool to help you along your journey. Some of those ways include: helping you program positive belief systems that you want to have, reflecting on the world within and around you, to remind you of your goals and desires, and to channel messages from your higher self and spiritual beings. There are many other great ways to utilize journals that are as unique as your journey, how will you use yours?

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Choose Your Journal Intention

Journals are a great way to use the power of thought and writing to support you along your unique journey. Grayson Waves journals are designed with several different titles to choose from aimed to speak to your specific goals. Read more about each specific intention title.

Affirmation journal with calcite orange MIDI controller designed by Grayson Waves

This journal was created as a place for those who want to write down the affirmations that they want to incorporate into their belief system.


This can be achieved by taking note of your personal affirmations individually and/or writing down affirmations repetitively so that your mind acclimates to them faster.

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Channeling journal with lapis lazuli blue 8 track tape designed by Grayson Waves
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This journal was created for those who scribble during the channeling process and/or write down channeled messages they receive from their Higher Power, Higher Self, Angels, or Spirit Guides.


This notebook is great for beginner or experienced intuitives, physics, and mediums.

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Dream Notes
Dream journal with ruby red cassette tape designed by Grayson Waves

This journal can be used to record and track the details of your dreams. By keeping a log of your dreams you can analyze your dreams over a period of time to see if there are any patterns that you might otherwise forget. 


Keeping a journal will also give you an opportunity to reflect over time if your inner being, spirit guides, or angels are communicating with you in your dreams. 


It is helpful to keep this book by your bed and record the details of your dreams that you remember before you physically get up. The less you move after you wake up, the more likely you are to remember additional details.

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